Renew Your Body And Mind LLC By Alexandra

Hello My Name is Alexandra I have been a massage therapist for 13 years now I specialize in Swedish, Cupping,Prenatal,Aroma and Salt Stone Massage. My goal is that every patient that comes in gets the right treatment for their muscles so they can continue on with their daily lives with out pain. Thank you, Looking forward in working with you.

Business Hours

9 AM - 3 PM
9 AM - 3 PM
9 AM - 5 PM
9 AM - 5 PM

Cancellation Policy

Renew your body and mind LLC by Alexandra respectfully ask that you provide 24 hour notice before appointment time for cancellation,if you cancel after the 24 hour there will be a $35.00 charge, if you NO SHOW there will be a full charge of service please call or text before the 24 hour. If you have any COVID symptoms fever, vomiting, diarrhea or cough before your appointment please call and cancel. Late Arrival Policy: Appointment time is reserved for each client oftentimes I cannot exceed time on the massage without making the next client late.Full service fee will be charged even if the session are shortened due to late arrival. Inappropriate Behavior Policy: Massage therapy is for relaxation and therapeutic purpose only. There is no sexual component to massage whatsoever. Any insinuation,joke,gestures will result in immediate termination of your session, You will be asked to leave. Treat your massage therapist with respect and dignity and you will be treated the same in return.